On Friday September 12th, 35 people gathered at the Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce in New York City to celebrate incoming Fulbright Scholars: Astrid Caporali, Hendrik Denys, Alex Koo Derudder, Thomas Gernay, Frederic Helsen and his wife came from Harvard in Boston and Nicolas Vanderstappen even came from Georgetown in DC. Marla Mazer, Mathew Taylor, and Derek Cook from the Institute of International Education were also in attendance, along with Fulbright Schuman Alum, Michelle Frasher, and Josephine Dorado. head of the Fulbright New York Chapter. Fulbright is proud to have co- hosted this event with Atelier, an innovative program created by the Belgian-American Chamber of Commerce to assist Belgians in the US with create and execute a successful business plan in a foreign country. Thanks to Bieke, Charlotte and Sonny for helping organize this event!